AccueilMusiques évangéliquesMusiques en FrançaisSimiane, ft. Dena Mwana , Nakotia yo liboso (LYRIC VIDEO)

Simiane, ft. Dena Mwana , Nakotia yo liboso (LYRIC VIDEO)

Simiane ft Dena Mwana – Nakotia yo liboso (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)

Je te mettrai en premier, dans tout ce que je fais
(I will put you first, in everything I do)
Non je ne prendrai aucune gloire, tu seras élevé
(No, I won’t take any glory, you will be lifted high)

Dena :
Je te mettrai en premier, dans toutes mes pensées
(I will put you first, in all of my thoughts)
Car c’est ton Royaume que je veux montré, tu seras couronné
(Because it’s your Kingdom that I want to show, you will be crowned)

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Refrain :
Je rechercherai, avant tout ta volonté
(I will seek first your will)
Ta justice sera révélée aux yeux du monde, amen !
(Until your righteousness will be revealed in the sight of the nations)

Dena :
Nakotia yo liboso na motema na ngai
(I will put you first in my heart)
Mokano na Yo eko salema, kasi ya ngai te
(Let your will be done, not mine)

Simiane :
Nakotia yo liboso na maloba na ngai
(I will put you first in my words)
Po Yo oza sembo, bilaka na Yo eko kokisama
(Because you are righteous and your promises will surely come to pass)

Refrain :
Je rechercherai, avant tout ta volonté
(I will seek first your will)
Ta justice sera révélée aux yeux du monde, amen !
(Until your righteousness will be revealed in the sight of the nations)

Pont :
Toutes choses, toutes choses vous seront données en plus
Nionso, nionso eko pesamela yo
(All these things will be added to you)


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