black gospel

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Mighty To Save Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Stay connected: Lyrics: Verse 1: Everyone needs compassion Love that's never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a saviour The hope of nations Chorus: Saviour He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave Verse 2: So take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I...
There are days when we simply have to make a choice to move forward in FAITH, not knowing what tomorrow holds. The good news is, we know who holds tomorrow! And that same God will never leave us nor forsake us. (ft. Habakuk 3:17-18 // I Will Sing // Great Is Thy Faithfulness) ►Follow Don Moen Online Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Website: ►Listen To Don Moen's Music Apple Music: Spotify: Amazon Music:...
Lyrics - Gade jan'w gran Gade Jan'w Gran Pou toutan-k gen tan wap toujou gran Pou toutan-k gentan Ou pap pèdi puisans Syèl ak tèa deklare Ou se sèl Dye ki egziste Se nan ou sekrè Lavi-a kaché Kè Gade Jan'w Gran Ou pwisan Ou Mèvèye, ou san parèy Gade Jan'w Gran Ou pwisan Ou mèvèye PaPa Tout nasyon koube devanw oh ou oh ou oh Yap chante non ou Nasyon koube devanw yal leve non'ou II Ou Omni Prezan Ou san konparezon Majeste ou gran wap Renye tout tan Syèl ak tèa deklare Ou se sèl Dye ki egziste Se nan ou sekrè Lavi-a...
New worship single written and sung by Ephesien Louis. All rights reserved. source
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