
the chosen christmas

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Lyrics Matt Maher - The In Between (Official Music Video)From death to life From darkness to a shine From fear to a peace I can’t explain From doubts to a hope Holding on and letting go Of all the empty promises of shameThis is my songI was one way But now I am different There was a clear change in A Holy collision Who I was And who I’ll forever be And He was the in between(Ooh ooh)From orphan to Your child From...

Matthew West lance Story House Collective à Nashville

Lancement de Story House Collective par Matthew West : Une Nouvelle Ere de Créativité Matthew West, récemment reconnu comme auteur-compositeur chrétien de l'année, a lancé...

Michael W. Smith et Chandler Moore en tournée exclusive en mars 2025

Michael W. Smith et Chandler Moore: Mini-Tournée 'One Night, Two Pianos' Deux artistes primés aux Grammys, Michael W. Smith et Chandler Moore, collaborent pour la...

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