AccueilMusiques évangéliquesMusiques en anglaisTauren Wells , When We Pray (Lyric Video)

Tauren Wells , When We Pray (Lyric Video)

Tauren Wells – When We Pray (Lyric Video) | Oh, when we pray



Tauren Wells – When We Pray (Lyric Video) | Oh, when we pray
Tauren Wells When We Pray lyrics
#TaurenWells #WhenWePray #IWorshipEveryday #Christian #Worship #PraiseAndWorship

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Lyrics Tauren Wells – When We Pray:
People hurting, people broken
Beaten down and feeling hopeless
Wonder if it’s gonna always be this way
Who will speak up for the captive
Show some love and heal a past that
Binds the wounds we think will never go away
But what if we could be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
I see revival rising
I see hope on the horizon
As a generation stepping out in faith
Because we will be a people on our knees
As one before the King
‘Cause we believe
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray
Oh, when we pray, oh
Let Your kingdom come, Lord
Let Your will be done
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
All the world starts changing
When the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking
At the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray, oh
When we pray, oh
In Jesus’s name (when we pray)
In Jesus’s name (when we pray)
When we pray, oh
When we pray



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